docile bodies and discourse formation; second, it reads why patriarchy ensures women’s exclusion from the equation of power relations, and the use of disciplinary power as a tool by patriarchy to subjugate Dalit women in the society; third, it reflects on...
aI also understand that I will face disciplinary action up to and including termination of my employment with the company if I continue to breach any of the company policies and directives, in verbal or written forms. 我也了解我将面对处分大到我的就业的终止与公司,如果我继续破坏其中任一个公司政...
Jivraj (eds), Towards Decolonising the University: A kaleidoscope for empowered action. Oxford: Counterpress, 139–43. Ahmed, S. (2012) On Being Included: Racism and diversity in institutional life. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Ahmed, S. (2018) 'An open conversation about institutional...
For instance, a handle affords the action of grasping … It is important to point out that the same object can afford different actions in relation to different agents, or even different actions in relation to the same agent while experiencing different motivational states; thus, an apple can ...
Modern utilitarian theory provides a rational basis for understanding the motivation for institutional investors to commit fraud. Utilitarianism views an action as being good or ethical if it is a positive sum game such that benefits exceed the cost or the good exceeds the bad. For a utilitarian,...
They describe the infringements, regulate the application of penalties and govern the organisation and action of the disciplinary bodies and the procedure to be followed before these bodies. Article 2 Scope of material application 1 The present regulations apply for the treatment of all disciplinary ...
Name (Click on name to see Official Board Order) License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary "The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME." Sanction Abair, ...
Further, Foresight represents a pluralistic process that usually considers multiple futures, which is participatory by nature and action-oriented [31]. In this research, an important consideration was the incorporation of a multi-stakeholder perspective in the exploration of possible, feasible, and ...
The environments' optimal learning space is found at the top of the figure, where there is a balance between the spatial and temporal conditions for the individual's scope of action. 13 Cross‑Disciplinary Collaboration and Scholarly Independence 427 A JOINT WORLD Independent posiƟoning Mono...
Talk constitutes social action This paper’s approach is guided by notions in interactional linguistics and pragmatics, where talk is understood to constitute social action. Hence utterances are discursive acts that “do” something such as positioning the speaker in certain ways. During the interview...