into becoming a Christian." That is the Holy Spirit's responsibility. Instead, relax, trust God, love that person with all your heart, and say what God puts into your mind. Bringing people to faith in Christ is the Holy Spirit's work. You are the assistant, not the other way around....
英文: Christians find their security and hope in God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and say \amen\to that unique relationship to God in the Holy Spirit through love and obedience as expressed in lives of discipleship and service. 中文: 基督徒在基督所启示的神里面寻得保障和盼望,并通过门徒与服事...
4) The Holy Spirit was outpoured in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost In other words, the most significant events of Yeshua's first coming (His death, burial, resurrection and outpouring of the Holy Spirit) happened on Biblical Feast days. As a result, Eddie learned that the spring festival...
Through providing resources and events, we desire to build the body of Christ by encouraging and challenging believers to live out the commands of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit living within them. Sign up to receive Home Discipleship Network updates ...
With the chaos that is surrounding us today, there has never been a greater need in human history for disciples of Jesus Christ to walk in purity and the power of the Holy Spirit. Do you want to learn how to partner with the Holy Spirit to bring demonstrations of the Gospel into your ...
I prayed in a quiet voice and the Holy Spirit told me what to pray. After a moment, I asked her to move her leg. Quite loud she exclaimed, "Did you just miracle me?" I told her that Jesus did the work, then shared the gospel with her. — Dave, Doing the Things That Jesus ...
Open with the code from the physical workbook (purchased on Amazon). To access the entire digital course, including the downloadable workbook and accompanying videos, scroll back up to the COURSES section. unlock now browse channel
Pray for us and for hearts to be open to the message of Jesus Christ when it is presented to them, and for individuals, families and entire communities to be changed, transformed and set free through prayer, through the working of the Holy Spirit, and through the Word of God. Give a ...
Learn how Christian Growth Resources can improve your spiritual life through discipleship pdf free download, church assimilation strategy, spiritual health assessment, and regular blogs. African pastors have used a free eBook, "His Power for Your Weaknes
It started when Jesus was conceived in a virgin -- not by a human husband, but by the Holy Spirit. The angel said to Mary: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." (...