Case Study : Discharging Student Loans in Bankruptcy: Good Luck With ThatMichael ForrestJoseph LabattRobert SwartzAllied Business Academies
If you are going to discharge a (federal) student loan or other federal debt, you will never be able to get any benefits from the federal government again – no more student loans, unemployment, federal aid of any kind, etc. If you read the supreme court case “Hale v Henkle” you wi...
though, when the U.S. Supreme Courtruled in favor of Justice Reynolds, a teacher at Zion Parochial School who had been teaching German to a 10-year-old student, claiming
Discharging Student Loans via Bankruptcy: Undue Hardship Doctrine in the First CircuitAnthony W. BowersUniversity of Massachusetts DartmouthUniversity of Massachusetts Law Review
Student loan debt is not easy to walk away from. In fact, private and federal student loans are not eligible for discharge in a bankruptcy filing unless you can prove that paying them would produce an 'undue hardship.'Tanisha WarnerFox Business...
Mental Illness Can Serve as a Basis for Discharging Student Loans
Kevin J. Smith