the blood from when I lost my virginity. My boyfriend came, and although he had a condom on I'm not sure if it may have broke a little and it could be a bit of semen. I don't know if this is normal and I would appreciate it if someone knows what's going on. Thanks a lot ...
Hello, so last night i realized a orangish discharge with redish specks. It kind of smelled like iron, but i am not sure. then this morning i saw it on my underwear again and while i was taking a c**p a dark black blood was discharged with blood clots. I don't know what is wron...
During the menstrual phase (aka your period), the blood flow mixes with your mucus. You probably won’t notice any discharge. In the following days, the amount of vaginal discharge you produce is very little – and might even be completely absent. If it’s brown, don’t worry: That’s...
What to do:it is important to consult a gynecologist to evaluate symptoms and confirm a diagnosis, this can be done with hormonal blood tests, such as estradiol, FSH, LH and prolactin. Menopause is only confirmed when a woman stops menstruating for 12 consecutive months. Check-outnatural remed...
You have foul-smelling fluid coming from your vagina. You see blood coming from your vagina that is not from your monthly period. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Drugs used to treat this and similar conditionsMyr...
You cough up blood.Seek care immediately if:You have vaginal bleeding when it is not time for your period. Your bowel movements are bloody or black. You see blood in your urine.Contact your oncologist if:Your abdomen or legs are swollen. You have no appetite or have lost weight without ...
Brownish-yellow discharge is most common right after your period. The color comes from menstrual blood. If you have a short cycle, you may notice brownish-yellow
Brown discharge before period is usually old blood from the uterus. Each month, the uterine lining gets filled with blood and builds up to receive a fertilized egg. If no fertilized egg enters the uterus in any given month, the hormonal levels in a woman’s body drops. This causes the sh...
Cervical mucus before and during your period Cervical Mucus Type 1:Least fertile It's normal to have some dry days leading up to your period with no detectable cervical mucus. And during your period? Blood flow makes it difficult to check for cervical or ovulation discharge. Skip the finger ...
Many people with periods use their monthly flow to keep tabs on their health. Whether you track your moods and regularity in a period tracker or look at what your period blood might be telling you, your period probably helps you to keep on top of what’s ‘normal’ for you. But did ...