Did a year in the army for a bad conduct discharge. Odslužio je jednu godinu u vojsci, otpušten zbog lošeg ponašanja. Senad otpust Ross was given a medical discharge because he lost hearing in one of his ears. Ross je dobio otpust jer je izgubio sluh u jednom uh...
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a viral infection that slowly weakens your immune system. The virus kills a type of white blood cell called CD4. A normal CD4 count ranges from 500 to 2,000. You have HIV when your CD4 count ranges from 200 to 500. You have AIDS (acquired immune ...
The most common reason for an apparently healthy cat to die suddenly is a condition called HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). This is a condition where the walls of the heart are too thick. Cats can go from totally healthy to suddenly in heart failure and death in minutes. However, one ...
For example, the otolaryngological department in a hospital is in charge of patients who have problems with their noses, ears, and throats. Therefore, we classify human body parts according to body structure and construct the ontology from a dictionary of anatomical locations to build the ...
Many alloying elements, particularly Sn, In, Ga, Mg, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn, Bi, and Sb, were examined during the last several y ears16. Mg is typically incorporated as one of the doped metals in hybrid material Al alloy anodes1,17. Adding Mg to Al is suggested to enhance its ...
During the physical examination, doctors focus on the ears, nose, and throat (including the tonsils, base of the tongue, and thyroid and salivary glands). They look for signs of infection or abnormal growths, including looking down the throat with a mirror or a thin fle...
The ignition of this discharge does not need special requirements and is thus easily established. If the applied AC voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage, the discharge occurs in the form of several thin single filaments, also called micro-discharges or streamers, in the gas gap between the two...
The discharge gas in the plasma jets is used for various gases such as the inert gas [17–20], nitrogen gas (N2), air [12,21–25], and mixtures thereof [26–28]. In the DBD devices, the plasma is generated on the surface of the dielectric layer by the applying of a high ...
The latter so called environmental tracers are defined as natural or anthropogenic substances that originate from defined sources. In contrast to injected tracers, the use of environmental tracers has the general advantage of not contaminating the study area by introducing chemicals into the environment ...
The electrohydrodynamic spray of liquids, here simply called electrospray (ES), is a simple process to produce microdroplets from bulk liquid by a strong electric field. Despite the pioneering experimental studies describing several ES modes were conducted more than a century ago [24,25], due to ...