intervertebral disc replacementlower back painlumbar spineFavorable short- and long-term outcomes have been reported for lumbar intervertebral total disc replacement (L-TDR). However, there is little evidence regarding the uptake of L-TDR in practice. The objective of this study was to analyze ...
Lower back pain due to degenerative disc disease is a therapeutic challenge in young patients. Although arthrodesis is currently the gold standard for surgical treatment, improvement in total disc replacement techniques makes it possible to preserve segmental mobility with good results in one-level surge...
中英文字幕:脊柱肿瘤(Spinal tumors) 中英文字幕:前路胸椎椎体置换术(Thoracis Vertebral Body Replacement, Anterior) 中英文字幕:胸椎椎板切除内固定术(Thoracic Laminectomy and Instrumentation) 中英文字幕:脊柱侧弯矫形内固定术(Scoliosis;Treatment with ...
中英文字幕:腰痛起因(Where Lower Back Pain Begins) 中英文字幕:椎体成形术(Vertebroplasty) 中英文字幕:椎体置换术(Vertebral Body Replacement,VBR) 中英文字幕:椎体扩张术(Vertebral Augmentation) 中英文字幕:人工椎间盘置换(Total Disc Replacement Synthes® Prodisc-C) 中英文字幕:经椎间孔腰椎融合术(Transforami...
The devices and technologies in the motion preservation surgery in the lumbar spine can be divided into four groups : 1) Total disc replacement (TDR), 2) Nucleus replace- ment, 3) Intra-disc biologic treatments, 4) Posterior dynamic sta- bilization including total facet repl...
Contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann about your lumbar disc replacement today at (314) 361-4300 or fill out our online contact form.
骨科手术早知道067:人工颈椎间盘置换术(Cervical Disc Replacement) 英汉对照骨科患者指南002:人工颈椎间盘置换术(上) 英汉对照骨科患者指南002:人工颈椎间盘置换术(下) 精美动画:颈椎椎间融合VS人工颈椎间盘置换 精彩视频魅力无限,收藏转发一...
Define slipped disc. slipped disc synonyms, slipped disc pronunciation, slipped disc translation, English dictionary definition of slipped disc. n pathol a herniated intervertebral disc, often resulting in pain because of pressure on the spinal nerves Co
medicine. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from bone marrow (BM-MSCs) and adipose tissue (AD-MSCs) show considerable promise for lower back disc regeneration. Stem cell therapy offers the most significant therapeutic potential to provide an excellent alternative to joint replacement and surgical...
7291171Artificial disc replacement (ADR) using elastic tether memberNovember, 2007Ferree 20070239277Intervertebral implantOctober, 2007Berger et al. 20070162133CONCENTRIC INTERIOR INSERT BALL AND DUAL SOCKET JOINTJuly, 2007Doubler 7250060Hybrid intervertebral disc systemJuly, 2007Trieu ...