Hi there! I’m a disc priest returning from WotLK days. I’m looking for a forever home, ideally a semi-casual group with progression raiding in mind. I’ve cleared 7/10 CN H, looking to ideally get into Mythic raiding. Eve…
The pre-WotLK Mind Flay animation. 2nd biggest reason for rolling a Priest, biggest obviously being Shadowform. Anyone who uses Glyph of Shadow should reroll Hunter, filthy blasphemers. Reply With Quote 2014-10-26, 10:27 PM #18 mack2887 High Overlord Join Date Oct 2014 Posts 143 Origina...
During WotLK we gave out strict healing assignments when we were learning an encounter – or if we needed to change healing up based on who was present in the raid. However, once we got familiar with content and it went on “farm” I stopped giving out assignments. People largely knew wh...
We are Conviction of Bleeding Hollow, a former semi-hardcore raiding guild that was formed at the beginning of WotLK. We are currently recruiting for positions on our main roster. Raid Schedule: Tuesday - 7:30pm-10:30pm CST Sunday - 6:30pm-10:30pm CST We are currently looking to fill...