Slipped discs often occur in the lower back and as well as pain, can cause weakness, pins and needles or tingling sensations. Don't suffer in silence: solve your back pain issues and put a skip in your step; ADVERTISING FEATURE CONTACT SPIRE ELLAND HOSPITAL'S SPECIALIST TEAM TODAY FOR ADVI...
inflames, or irritates a nearby nerve, causingradicular pain. Radicular pain (also called nerve root pain), describes sharp, shooting pains that radiate to other parts of the body, such as from the low back down the leg or from the neck down the arm. Leg pain...
X-rays: Sometimes, asymptomatic herniated discs are discovered when you have an x-ray of your abdomen or back for a different reason. Computed tomography (CT): This type of scan looks at the bones of your spine to find any issues. Myelogram: This test uses contrast dye to identify any ...
While lower back pain is a common side effect of a herniated disc, many people may also notice discomfort or pain in the arms and legs. Herniated discs in the lower back may cause pain in the buttocks, thighs, calves and even the feet. Herniated discs of the upper back and neck may ...
Do you have a disc bulge that is causing you incredible pain in your lower back? Does your disc bulge give you sciatica or pain down your leg? Have you wondered what’s going on in your lower back to cause all this pain? In this issue of Bodi Empowerment, I go over what’s going...
Please click here to read the back issues.Enter your email to subscribe: First Name (optional): Then Don't worry — your e-mail address is totally secure. I promise to use it only to send you Leader Newsletter.Driver: This quadrant measures how we respond to challenges: the stronger our...
Efficacy of caudal epidural steroid injections in chronic low backache patients These injections are typically given in the lower back, and their purpose is to reduce inflammation and pain caused by a herniated disc or other issues ... A Yadav,A Goel,SP Singh,... - 《Journal of Pharmacy &...
There were four trials (F:M = 2:2), which we could not obtain acceptable ultrasound images due to technical issues, and as the result, only eight participants for each sex were included in the final analysis. 2.6 Statistical analysis All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics...
Although numerous studies have provided theoretical support for the application of statins in the treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD), many unresolved issues remain. The following research directions warrant further exploration in the future. ...
Despite significant progress in the understanding of IDD in recent years, many key issues still require urgent resolution (Sharma et al. 2021; Begum et al. 2021). The pathogenesis of IDD involves multiple factors, with mechanical stress being one of its main triggering factors (Mohd Isa et al...