analysisChriscomparisoncoursesDavid Wiggins Jrdisc golfdiscsdriversEhrenEvanfavorite discfavorite discsfavorite holesfeedbackformfoxbatglowHow-Tohow toinfoInnovainstructionkentwoodmetamiddle creekmidsMVPnewsnight golfpdgaraleighrcbredditrules with robschultzSchusterickslow motionsnaptechniquetipstournamentsvideovideo crit...
During that same period,Victor MalafronteandJohn Weyandof the Berkeley Frisbee Group (BFG) had also raised Frisbee tossing and catching to a delicate art form of flowing throws and receptions and playing object disc golf on a UC Berkeley campus course. In the 1970s,Vaughn Frick,John Sappingto...
I participated in this year’s Reddit Secret Santa exchange, and my secret Santa was generous enough to pay for a year of this website’s hosting. I cant thank that person enough and will definitely be remembering your generosity as I… Read more: One Month a Ski Instructor! The Next ...
Heading into the weekend, much was made about the difficulty of the revamped and souped-up Swenson Park Disc Golf Course which hosted the OTB Open. Tales of even par earning a 1018-rated round at the AM weekend, and predictions that very few, if any, players would crack double digits...