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Väldigt fin Fairway. Hyfsade korgar och dåliga tees. Linjerna är bra. Bara back 9 är spelbar men hela öppnas upp igen snart. Front 9 har mer höjdskillnader och vatten i spel. (4.1/5.0) back 9 men banan i helhet när den blir spelbar så kanske betyget skulle...
WEEKLY LA MIRADA DISC GOLF LOCAL OVERALL RATINGS (Available Online At WWW.LMDGC.ORG) September 8, 2009 PLAYER Abbott Abe Acosta Acosta Adams Alcala Aldrich Aldridge Allen Allen Alvarez Angus Apollenio Arrietta Ascheri Ascheri Ascheri Ascheri Astengo Aston Atwood Auria Austin Avila B Baldwin ...
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作品:Off The Chains Disc Golf 发行:2021年6月25日 价格:14.99美元 头显:Oculus Quest系列 商店:Rift Store 评分:3.40/5分(评分数:7,评论数:0) 更新:2024年1月31日 分类:游戏 玩法:单机,联机 题材:体育,模拟,社交 开发商:Dream Nerdy 发行商:Dream Nerdy ...
—OU— Insira o código do país e o número do telefone sem nenhum hífen. Por exemplo,+12065550100. SelecioneDiscar. Quando a pessoa para a qual você está ligando atender o telefone, uma reunião instantânea será aberta no Amazon Chime. Como você iniciou a reunião, você se...
价格:免费美元 头显:Oculus Quest系列 商店:Quest AppLab Store 评分:3.80/5分(评分数:4,评论数:0) 更新:2023年3月31日 分类:游戏 玩法:单机,联机 题材:体育,动作,社交 开发商:Van Halen Apps 发行商:Free Fall Studios Disc Benders is the ultimate Disc Golf simulator 平 Fail at throwing a disc in...
The 14th Winter Blast is Coming Up Soon and We Need Your Help Disc Golf Family! For the past 13 years the Winter Blast tournament has been a chance for the tour to give back in a big way. Twelve years in a row we helped Freedom’s Rest Women’s & Children’s Shelter, but they ...