The performance analysis projects that the RF with HOG+LS‐RBRP has an overall better accuracy of 94.7% when compared with HOG (87%) and LS‐RBRP (90.2%) with RF classifier separately in categorizing the normal IVD, disc bulge and disc desiccation in the lumbar spine MRI....
whereas in thelumbar spinelower motor neuronsare usually affected after they have exited the cord, but are still in the neural canal; in humans, theconusmedullaris is typically located at the L1-L2 level. Throughout the spine, posterolateral disc herniation and endplate remodeling often produce...
The method is tested and validated on a clinical lumbar spine dataset containing 102 subjects and the results are comparable to the state of the art. 展开 关键词: Degenerative disc disease Machine learning Intervertebral disc Herniation Desiccation Degeneration Computer aided diagnosis Lumbar ...
We show the extendability of our proposed model to subsequent diagnosis tasks specific to each intervertebral disc abnormality such as desiccation and herniation. 展开 关键词: Computer aided diagnosis MRI Lumbar intervertebral disc Gibbs distribution ...
What is facet disease of the lumbar spine? Is there surgery for degenerative disc disease? What is a degenerative disease of the thoracic spine? What are the levels of spinal stenosis? What are the final stages of degenerative myelopathy in dogs? What causes degenerative disc disease in the sp...
(10.8%)were Modic type Ⅲ.End-plate osteochondritis was often located at inferior segment of lumbar spine.All cases were accompanied by lumbar disc degeneration and other changes including hyperosteogeny in 54(79.4%),Schmorl's nodule in 30(44%)and spinal instability in 9(13.2%).Conclusion:...
Disc herniations in the lumbar spine (low back) are much more common than those in the cervical spine (neck). Disc herniations can develop for a number of reasons with the most common described above. In the case of normal wear and tear, repetitive loading on a disc that is aging can...
diskmaydemonstratealowerthannormalSIonT2WI,owingtodesiccationandocca- sionallyintradiscalgas.(B)AxialT1WIlocalizethisextrusiontoarightparacentral location.NotethepreservedhypointensityoftheleftL5nervewithinhighSIepidural 92 Fig.44.1(A–D) IVLumbarSpine93 ...
Intervertebral disc degeneration (e.g., desiccation and herniation) in the lumbar area is one of the most common diseases that cause LBP and sciatica, a common term for pain in legs consequent to irritation of the sciatic nerve [9, 10].Alomari, Raja' S...
It is believed lumbar degeneration begins in the disc, where desiccation and collapse lead to instability and compensatory facet arthrosis. We explored the contrary contention that facet degeneration precedes disc degeneration by examining 647 skeletal lumbar spines. Using facet osteophytosis as a ...