Similarly, the 2015 super typhoon Haiyan was the deadliest disaster ever recorded in the Philippines; the lack of effective dissemination and communication of early warnings was a notable weakness in the run-up to the typhoon. Research claims that: “If the scale of the impending danger had ...
such as children, might not receive sufficient attention from many disaster preparedness programs in urban areas of South and Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, and Indonesia, because of limited understandings of the vulnerabilities of those groups in disaster contexts (Brown and...
A retrospect into the causes of the late-2004 typhoon disaster in eastern Luzon, Philippines.Environmental Hazards, 7(4), 257–270. ArticleGoogle Scholar Gierlach, E., Belscher, B. E., & Beutler, L. E. (2010). Cross-cultural differences in...
ASIANDEVELOPMENTBANK ASIANDEVELOPMENTBANK 6ADBAvenue,MandaluyongCity 1550MetroManila,Philippines .adb ADBEASTASIA WORKINGPAPERSERIES IntegratedApproachorCost-EfectiveDisasterRiskManagement Thisworkingpaperoutlinesthecriticalinterconnectionsbetweendisasters,climatechange,and development,emphasizingthenecessity oraproactiveandint...
public elementary schools situated in flood-prone areas in Zambales, Philippines.The pupil-respondents indicate that the most important practice during disasters is to see to it that each members of the family has a bag pack to be used for personal and individual belongings in case of emergency....
The “People’s Plan” in the Philippines as a relocation program for the informal settlement in Manila [35] and social housing supplied for the disaster survivors of Hurricane Yolanda [36] are examples of affordable housing intervention. Both studies identified the potential and risks of community...
The health and wellbeing impacts of commercial activity on Indigenous populations is an emerging field of research. The alcohol industry is a key driver of health and social harms within Australia. In 2016 Woolworths, the largest food and beverage retailer in Australia, proposed to build a Dan ...
Projected climate changes will additionally increase the already significant risk of natural hazard-related disasters in Serbia and the west Balkan region
Allen KM (2006) Community-based disaster preparedness and climate adaptation: local capacity-building in the Philippines. Disasters 30:81–101 Article PubMed Google Scholar Bandura A (1977) Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev 84:191–215 Article CAS PubMed ...
However, some data exist regarding local capacities to cope with hazardous events. Gaillard (2007) explains how an indigenous community on Niuafo’ou in Tonga and the Aeta Negrito communities of the Philippines have coped with volcanic eruptions, and how the Tikopia in the Solomon archipelago have...