As such, a surveyor working as a facilities manager is confronted with an array of potential challenges in respect of persons, property and money. Some of these risks can be managed internally within the facilities management department
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Coping with drought: Narratives from smallholder farmers in semi-arid Kenya Amy Quandt Article 102168 View PDF select article An overview & synthesis of disaster resilience indices from a complexity perspective Research articleAbstract only An overview & synthesis of disaster resilience indices from a...
Natural disasters in Lake Victoria Basin (Kenya): Causes and impacts on environment and livelihoods. mitigation and management The social and biophysical characteristics that increase vulnerabilities to natural hazards are also discussed.A range of mitigation measures is available including reforestation throu...
For example, in Kenya, only 24.3% of the population have access to adequate sanitation, a figure which is much worse for rural communities46. Unfortunately, studies rarely mention these non-disaster related conditions which impact population vulnerability. Instead, risk factors are solely reported in...
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