Discussions with governments on the optimal use of contingent credit instruments as part of a sovereign catastrophe risk financing strategy can be guided by the output of a dynamic financial analysis model specifically developed to allow for the provision of contingent credit, in addition to reserves ...
riskdisaster灾害financing融资风险 DisasterriskFinancing:casestuDiesBySandeepPoundrikTheaccelerated requencyandseverityo disastershasmadedisasterrisk nancingintegraltotheabilityo acountrytocompeteintheglobalmarket.Withoutad-equateplanningandpreparation,postdisaster nanc-ingneedsareo tenmetbyadiversiono unds romdevelop...
In the next 50 years, Samoa has a 50 percent chance of experiencing a loss exceeding SAT 255 million (US$110 million) and a 10 percent chance of experiencing a loss exceeding SAT 812 million (US$350 million) (PCRAFI, Country Risk Profile). 展开 被引量: 1 年份: 2015 ...
帮助Riskand灾害灾害风险risk风险融资RISK 系统标签: disasterinsuranceriskpacificfinancingprogram PacificDisasterRiskFinancingandInsuranceProgramJanuary2012ThedevelopmentobjectiveofthePacificDisasterRiskFinancingandInsurance(PDRFI)ProgramistoincreasethefinancialresilienceofthePacificIslandCountries(PICs)againstnaturalandclimate-re...
The World Bank and the Global Risk Financing Facility multi-donor fund have provided $2m to underwrite the insurance policy. “This is a first for Djibouti and underscores the World Bank’s commitment to support efforts that help communities to become more resilient and to adapt to c...
In spite of all the steps taken globally towards the revival of Qanat networks, still, no disaster risk management plan has been formulated for them. In Bam and Baravat, in addition to common factors that affect the Qanats, there is a high risk of earthquake occurrence. In fact, all ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook natural disaster (redirected fromNatural Disasters) Medical Financial natural disaster An emergency situation posing significant danger to life and property that results from a natural cause. See also domestic. ...
This report was produced by the IDB Working Group on Disaster Risk Financing. The aim of the report is to give a general background on the IDB's disaster financing strategy and also a thorough discussion of regional risk-transfer markets... T Andersen 被引量: 9发表: 2007年 Predictors and...
"CDF will provide a quick and flexible source of funds for developing member countries affected by disasters until funds from other sources become available," Director-General of ADB's Strategy, Policy and Review Department Tomoyuki Kimura said. ...
infrastructureandlifeline.Buttheacademiccommunityhasnotyetreachedaconsensusontheselectionofspecificvariablesorindicatorsthatcharacterizethesefactors(LiHuixiaetal.,2003).AccordingtotheUNInternationalStrategyfordisasterreduction(2009)thedefinitionof"exposureislocatedindangerousareasproneto damage to persons or property, or...