IT Disaster RecoveryDisaster RecoveryBusiness Continuity PlanAn information technology (IT) disaster recovery (DR) plan provides a structured approach for responding to unplanned incidents that threaten an IT infrastructuSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
using a data center as part of your disaster recovery plan may be a good idea. Data centers are physical locations complete with the IT necessary for business operations, including storage of important business data.
Enterprise recovery plans are essential to combating unforeseen disasters, deleted data, or other threats to data security. Learn about the benefits of recovery for your enterprise.
A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a business plan that describes how work can be resumed quickly and effectively after a disaster. Disaster recovery planning is just part of business continuity planning and applied to aspects of an organization that rely on an IT infrastructure to function. Adver...
Learn what is an IT disaster recovery plan, its structure and how to create one easily for your organization.
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A disaster recovery plan is a detailed document that outlines how an organization will respond effectively to an unplanned incident and resume business operations.
嚴格的說,容災計劃包括一系列應急計劃,如業務持續計劃(BCP-Business Continuity Plan),業務恢復計劃系統(BRP-Business Recovery Plan),運行連續性計劃(COOP-Continuity of Operations Plan),事件響應計劃(IRP-Incident Response Plan),場所緊急計劃(OEP-Occupant Emergency Plan),危機通信計劃(CCP-Crisis Communication Plan...
Businesses need a disaster-recovery plan in order to avoid interruption in serviceJeremy Harrell