According to FEMA have two weeks supply offoodand other survival gear to survive a catastrophic event like a hurricane, earthquake or other natural or man-made disaster. You needfoodthat require no refrigeration, andwater. You should also have a first aid kit, flashlights with extra batteries ...
First Aid Kits & First Aid Kit Refills Rite In The Rain Disaster Prepardness Emergency Preparedness Press Room Links Page Our Blog Fundraising CERT FAQ Your One Stop Online Disaster Preparedness Store Favorite Products 1 Person Comfort Survival Kit $127.99 $149.99 6 Person Comfort Survival Kit $...
Easy and affordable preparedness is a click away. Customized Kits Want your logo embroidered onto your emergency kit backpacks? We do that too! Our Locations Family Owned and Operated For Over 30 Years Vista, CA Glendora, CA Hayward, CA ...
Always have your disaster supply kit stocked and ready for use. Implement your plan just as you’ve practiced in the past during non-disaster situations. Stay calm. Situational awareness: be aware of your surroundings such as downed power lines, fallen objects, pedestrians and traffic, and spill...
Take your disaster supplies kit with you and begin to implement the disaster preparedness plan you have already developed. Back your car into the garage or park in an open space, facing the direction of the escape route. Shut the car doors and roll up the windows. Leave the key in the ...
Tools and Supplies u Mess kits, or paper cups, plates and u Needles, thread plastic utensils* u u Emergency preparedness manual* Battery operated radio and extra u Medicine dropper u Shut-off wrench, to turn off household gas and water batteries* u Flashlight and extra batteries* u Cash or...
Kit ba sics a re: • A porta ble, ba ttery-powered ra dio or television a nd extra ba tteries. • Fla shlight a nd extra ba tteries. • First a id kit a nd first a id ma nua l. • Supply of prescription medica tions. • Credit ca rd a nd ca sh. • Persona ...
Every home should have an Emergency Supply Kit on hand as an important part of your disaster preparedness list.Here's how to build one. You don't want to be unprepared in an emergency, but what if disaster struck today? Here are some tips onFast Emergency Preparation. ...
Store vaccination/medical records, veterinary contact information, proof of ownership, a current photo, and a Disaster Preparedness Kit in one location. Pet Disaster Preparedness Kit: Pet carrier for each pet Two week supply of food and water Non-spill food and water bowls Pet first-aid ...
Here are my items to focus on in a preparedness kit. In a large box or BACKPACK, stocked and ready to go: lightweight sleeping bag sleep "sack" of cotton or hemp extra t-shirt and sweater, socks, underwear small cotton towel or washcloth ...