Vatsa, K. S., and Joseph, J. (2003). "Disaster management plan for the State of Maharashtra, India: Evolutionary process." Nat. Hazards Rev., 4(4), 206-212.Surjan A, Shaw R (2009) Enhancing disaster resiliency through local environment management: ...
There is overlap between business continuity and emergency management, but don't confuse the two. They are separate but equally critical disaster recovery practices. Continue Reading By Brien Posey Definition 16 Dec 2024 What is a business continuity plan audit and how do you create one? A bu...
BACKGROUND: As per the 'Disaster Management Act, 2005' of India, it is mandatory for government hospitals in India to prepare a disaster plan. This study aimed to prepare a disaster manual of a 1 900 bed tertiary care hospital, in consultation and involvement of all concerned stakeholders.MET...
The primary objective of the project is to propose a strategic plan for an enhanced Risk Reduction and Management Program of the Province which was based on the results of the study and the focus group discussions conducted. This work is very timely and helpful because no country can ever be...
This research, and the lessons learned from it, will be used to present a strategic plan for a new GIS system that leverages newtechnological and social trends as part of a new emergency management system. A disaster scenario will bepresented that mimics disaster conditions, and demonstrates how...
2011. “Emergency Management: Gauging the Extensiveness and Quality of Public- and Private-Sector Collaboration at the Local Level.” Urban Affairs Review 47 (2): 280–99. in Google Scholar Manning, Scott Robert. 2020. “Strategic Planning in ...
Increasing numbers of disasters across the world have led agencies and governments to be ready with their respective strategic plans (Bae et al.2016; Sahebjamnia et al.2015). Each strategic plan involves respective roles for each multi-sector actor in effective disaster management and reducing ris...
As space-based Earth observations are delivering a growing amount and variety of data, the potential of this information to better support disaster risk management is coming into increased scrutiny. Disaster risk management actions are commonly divided into the different steps of the disaster management...
Disasteroperationsmanagement Businesscontinuityplanning Disasterrecoveryplanning Multi-objectivemixedintegerprogramming abstract Businessesareincreasinglysubjecttodisruptions.Itisalmostimpossibletopredicttheirnature,timeand extent.Therefore,organizationsneedaproactiveapproachequippedwithadecisionsupportframeworkto ...
Disaster recovery planning is essential to modern business management and information technology practices, ensuring continuity and resilience in the face of unexpected disruptions. Whether these disruptions stem from natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or technical failures, a well-structured disaster recovery...