It mentions that according to the author, objection on the possibility of Jesus' resurrection from majority readers suggest that people do not believe in something without any evidence. The author further presents the scientific views on God.STAUB...
Disagreeing without being disagreeable: Negotiating workplace communities as an outsider Disagreement is an important socio-pragmatic skill for the workplace context, and newcomers risk causing offence if they fail to adhere to community norms... ...
We never meet without disagreeing.discutir 3. (with with) (of food) to be unsuitable (to someone) and cause pain. Onions disagree with me.sentar malˌdisaˈgreeable adjective unpleasant. a disagreeable task; a most disagreeable person.desagradableˌdisaˈgreeably adverb desagradablemente...
Art of disagreeing without being disagreeableChatterjee, Patralekha