05 The mark scheme gives some guidance as to what copper optic fibre 6 statements are expected to be seen in a 1 or 2 mark (L1), 3 or 4 mark (L2) and 5 or 6 mark (L3) answer. Guidance provided Physical corrosion Will Glass in section 3.10 of the 'Mark Scheme Instructions' docume...
Traditionally, devices inside aLANare connected together usingcopper twisted pair cables. These days also, most of theLAN connectivityis created usingcopper twisted pair cables. But there is another alternative tocopper twisted pair cables. Wireless networks are an alternative tocopper twisted pair cable...
Anetwork topologyis the physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on a network. There are a number of different network topologies, and a network may be built using multiple topologies. The different types of network layouts are Bus topology,Star topology,Mesh topology,Ring topolo...
Star topology only uses twisted pair cable as a transmission media. In contrast, mesh topology can employ any transmission media such as twisted pair cable, coaxial cable or optical fibre, but it requires more amount of cabling. Flexibility and scalability of the star topology is good whereas me...