In addition to direct deposition to soils, PAHs can be deposited onto or absorbed by plants, from which they can be washed by rain, oxidized, or be deposited into soil as a result of plant decay. Several of the PAHs have long been recognized as having the potential to cause cancer.Amna...
This paper describes my research in Therapeutic Cloning. It uses literature to give detailed discussion of cloning. It also discusses applications of cloning such as curing diseases. Furthermore, the study gave a detailed discussion of the various advantages of Therapeutic cloning such as its ability...
technologic meaning‚cloningis a transplantation of an entire nucleus and not of specific genes‚ it is nevertheless an attempt to produce a child with certain traits. Humancloningfalls conceptually between 3 other technologies. And the types ofcloningare reproductive‚embryoand therapeut...
These procedures are essentially a form of “therapeutic cloning”. Embryonic cells can now be cloned. They are grown for health purposes, such as to obtain biological organs for transplantation. Cells are also cloned in the laboratory for research purposes. (Ref. 1)How about humans? Can a hu...
, i. e. flmicroinjectionofgenesintopronucleioffertilizedova;(2)DNAfansferbyretroviruses;(3)injectionofembryonicgerm fEG)/embryonicstemfES)cellspreviouslytreatedwithforeignDNA;(4)DNAfansferintocellsandembryoswithusingliposomes; f51exogenousDNAtransferwhileinvitrofertilizationbyusingsperm;(6)electroporationof...