The artificial stone is made of unsaturated polyester resin as binder, natural marble or calcite, dolomite, silica sand, glass powder and other inorganic materials, as well as a suitable amount of flame retardant, color, etc. , it is made by mixing ingre
A mixture of polyester resin and hardener at 10:1 ratio was stirred in a glass mug. And the ready mixture is poured into the E-Glass preform and compressed under a pressure about 200Kgf and temperature of 500C. The resin has cured after 4 to 5 hours; the laminates were cut into 100...
What are the advantages of using dowex 50X2-100 ion exchange resin as the acid catalyst as opposed to using aqueous hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid during an esterification? What are the advantages and disadvantages of petroleum as a source of...
contg. approx. 20% wt. polymer and 80% wt water. The gel acts as an energy trap without generating hydrostatic pressures or leak risks typical of fluid energy sinks. The gel is contained adjacent to an integral air circulation duct which is made of e.g. polyester resin.FRANCIS BOURDIN...