If the individual you’re caring for (say, your spouse) previously purchased a long-term care insurance policy, they may be eligible to submit claims for in-home care. Some policies will also provide compensation for a family caregiver. Contact your insurance agent and ask for a written confi...
Service-disabled veteranmeans a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(16). Disabled Childmeans Your unmarried adult Child who is, on and after the date on which insurance would end because of the Child’...
(ifjointownersarefiling)applyforapropertytaxexemptiononthepropertydescribed belowandcertifythefollowing:(Pleasecheckappropriatebox(es).) Iwillbe61yearsofageorolderonorbeforeDecember31oftheyearinwhichthisexemptionisfiled. Iamdisabledandretiredfromregulargainfulemploymentbyreasonofsuchdisability. Iamaveteranwitha100...