Congress has shown an interest in the treatment of injured service members while undergoing medical treatment and their transition from military to civilian life as veterans. An injured service member (or veteran) may require specific types of assistance or benefits to enable him or her to have a...
Disabled veteranmeans a veteran who (i) has either lost, or lost the use of, a leg, arm, or hand; Totally Disabledmeans that because of an injury or illness: Salaried Employeemeans an employee who is not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act who regularly receives each pay period a ...
Are you a veteran injured in Iraq or Afghanistan or a disabled veteran with a family looking to occupy a newly constructed home with a zero-interest mortgage and all the extras for disabilities?Habitat for Humanity of West Bay and Northern Rhode Island is looking for two of you.They will ...
Children with disabilities are entitled to multiple government benefits to ensure they have quality healthcare, as well as services and supplies to meet their basic needs. One form of aid isSupplemental Security Income (SSI), which is distributed by the SSA. The requirements for children to recei...
(ifjointownersarefiling)applyforapropertytaxexemptiononthepropertydescribed belowandcertifythefollowing:(Pleasecheckappropriatebox(es).) Iwillbe61yearsofageorolderonorbeforeDecember31oftheyearinwhichthisexemptionisfiled. Iamdisabledandretiredfromregulargainfulemploymentbyreasonofsuchdisability. Iamaveteranwitha100...
To help you gain a foothold in this market, we’re going to provide all the information you need to become a WordPress developer, including insights from Paul Bearne’s session ”Finding your WordPress lifestyle – insider insights from a vetera...
Serving others is part of a veteran’s and first responder’s DNA. As a combat wounded disabled veteran with seven deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, I hold organizations who support veterans and first responders near and dear to my heart. When I first heard about Shellback Tech, I knew ...