Ebel values golf as more than just a pastime. “For me, golf is the one thing that I still enjoy as I did before my accident, and playing makes me feel like I am not disabled,” he says. “I know this is true of many amputees – we simply do...
Dylan switched sports to wheelchair tennis, and in 2015 won his first grand slam title at the Australian Open. Dylan was born with a large tumor wrapped around his spinal cord, leaving him a paraplegic. He is a keen advocate for people with disabilities, and is an ambassador for the charit...
Part of the pressure is coming from his homeland, where Nomo’s success is viewed as “fantastic, so stunning, so beautiful,” says Yoshimori Hesono of the Sports Nippon newspaper. “He’s more famous than Sadaharu Oh. My God, he’s even more popular than our prime minister, Murayama.”...