Information and applications on handicapped parking, disabled placards and permits, and expedited service permits.
Many jurisdictions provide free parking to drivers with physical disabilities by supplying them with placards that allow parking at metered spots without paying the parking fee, usually for unlimited periods of time. Many...
I certify that I have a (check one): disability that limits or impairs my ability to walk or creates a safety concern while walking. I also understand that the disabled parking placard or plates issued to me cannot be loaned to anyone, including... ...
Parking Permits for Disabled Persons A placard can be purchased by an individual with disabilities that limit or impair their ability to walk or is certified legally blind. The parking permit entitles the driver transporting the disabled passenger to utilize handicap parking facilities. The placard is...
Placard abuse, or the illegal use of placards by able-bodied drivers, is rampant and in some locations accounts for 90 percent or more of metered parking. Strategies for dealing with abuse vary by state; Virginia, for example, allows jurisdictions to set aside the exemption to pay at meters...
The Access Almanac: Ending the Abuse of Disabled Parking Placards THE ACCESS ALMANAC Ending the Abuse of Disabled Parking Placards DONALD SHOUP A LMOST EVER YONE can tell an anecdote about disabled placard abuse. One of m... D Shoup - 《University of California Transportation Center Working Pa...
B. Upon receiving notice pursuant to subsection A of this section, theCommissioner may revoke any disabled parking license plate, DV disabledparking license plate, organizational, permanent, or temporary placard of anindividual or organization found guilty under 46.2-1247 through 46.2-1253if he finds...
license plate. Copy down the person’s handicap placard number as well if there is one placed inside the vehicle. The placard number will be at the base of the tag in clear bold lettering. Use this number if the person with the placard is not disabled and abusing the handicap parking ...
Use of counterfeit disabled parking license plates or placards;penalty. A. Any person who displays a counterfeit or unauthorized replica of adisabled parking license plate, DV disabled parking license plate which hasbeen issued under subsection B of 46.2-739, organizational removablewindshield placard,...
The placard can be pulled down from a slot opening on the bottom of the housing to a fully extended positioning order to display the disabled parking permit in a manner that allows visibility from both the front and the rear of the handicap persons automobile when the vehicle is parked. The...