ToolSetSign InFeedback html - bootstrap 4: 为按钮(button, a)添加禁用状态(disabled) Justin Zheng Feb 25, 2018 button可以直接用disabled属性: <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg" disabled>Button</button> a的话,需要用CSS样式: <a class="btn btn-primary disabled" href=...
The semantic classes are the same in number as in the latest version however with a number of renovations-- the rarely used defaultBootstrap Button Dropdownbasically having no meaning has been dismissed in order to get removed and replace by the a lot more intuitive and subtle secondary button...
后来,自己在bootstrap的UI框架下,做了个实验,按照平常的习惯,写了个button.btn.btn-default,再添加disabled属性,模拟项目环境,依然引入了Angular + hammerjs,绑定了hm-tap指令,意外的发现居然不会触发tap事件,陷入苦思冥想中。 接着,我把问题简化,移除Angular 和 hammerjs,只使用jquery绑定touch事件,发现依然不会触...
I can disable the first button, but I am unable to enable the second button. First button: Second button: Solution 1: The issue lies with your selector. This is why I am using .on. Demo can be found here: (New link, forgot to set link to disabled) -
I'd support making the input text a little darker, the added contrast should make them a lot more readable. The grey tones work great (and wouldn't even need to differ between themes much, if at all), but if you decide you want to keep the difference between button colours in the d...
<button type="submit" class=" btn btn-primary btn-lg disabled">Submit</button> Output That was all about making the input fields disabled in Bootstrap. Conclusion In Bootstrap, the form controls can be made disabled using the “disabled” attribute or class. The attribute is placed inside...
usmanarain350 commented Apr 2, 2024 .pointer-events-none { pointer-events: none; } .wrapper { cursor: not-allowed; } <div class="wrapper"> <button class="pointer-events-none">Some Text</button> </div> Reference: #
I'm trying to build a very simple Hapi / Angualr page using Hapi 17. I have a simple Angular based index.html that populates two tags from data set in the controller When I bootstrap the index page fr... Jquery UI Dialog - How to use the close button to perform function?
表单中readOnly和disabled的区别: Readonly只针对input(text/ password)和textarea有效,而disabled对于所有的表单元素都有效,包括select,radio...disabled或readonly,但是submitbutton却是可以使用的)。...jQuery进行...
This case came up because I was actually using an anchor tag as a button in a form since Bootstrap makes those controls interchangeable. If I actually needed anchor tag functionality, I would approach the problem a little different. More than likely I would show or hide the anchor tag inste...