When one is gaming, and if presses the Windows Key, any open PC game where the taskbar is not shown, will minimize without exiting the program! This often becomes a nightmare for PC gamers, and as such, while playing PC games, most prefer to disable this key. Let us see how we can ...
When playing games the hot keys are active Hi Chris, Thank you for your interest in Windows 10. I suggest you to follow the steps below to disable Hot Keys and check if that helps. Right click anywhere on your desktop screen and select Graphics Options. Navigate to Hot Keys and then cli...
winkill lets you temporarily disable the windows key on your keyboard without rebooting your computer. click the winkill icon in the system tray to use it as a system-wide windows key disabler. this is useful if you're always hitting the windows key when playing games, causing them to minimi...
i use caps lock as push to talk in rainbow six and a few other games so i was also interested in turning off the function of caps lock but when i do it like this thru cue it just makes the button not work i wanted it to stop making things caps locked so i wouldn't be typing ...
This tutorial will show you how you can stop the player from moving when a cinematic is playing. It can also work for other types of trigger or just oth...
the lock button defaults to blocking the windows key, but you can set it to any key you want, or any combination of keys. QUOTE/TAG ME WHEN REPLYING Spend As Much Time Writing Your Question As You Want Me To Spend Responding To It. If I'm wrong, please point it out. I'm alwa...
✅ How to disable the Windows Help Key (F1):Is there any way I can disable the help hotkey on my keyboard? I play a lot of games that require this shortcut and am tired of having to press the fn...
Windows 10 allows you to enable or disable notification sounds when you are playing a game. This option is implemented in Xbox Game Bar, which allowsoptimizing your PC for games. Windows 10 comes with anXbox Game Bar feature, which was part of the Xbox app. Starting withCreators Update vers...
It is a gaming overlay built into Windows 11 and Windows 10, designed by Microsoft to allow users to use various widgets while playing games on their computers. You can open Game Bar by pressing the Windows logo key + G over your game, app, or desktop. The Widget menu provides a list...
WhileAlt + Tabis a useful shortcut to switch between multiple tabs, it can disturb the flow sometimes. Likewise, the shortcut can be a distraction when playing a game. This is when you may want todisable the Alt + Tab shortcut in the game in Windows 11to continue playing without any ...