按下Win + R键,输入regedit,然后按回车。 导航到以下路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU。 如果没有“WindowsUpdate”或“AU”文件夹,您需要手动创建它们。 在“AU”文件夹中,右键点击空白处,选择“新建” > “DWORD(32位)值”,命名为“NoAutoUpdate”。 将其值设置...
输入“regedit”,然后按下回车键。 在注册表编辑器中,依次展开“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “SOFTWARE” > “Policies” > “Microsoft” > “Windows”。 右键点击“Windows”文件夹,选择“新建” > “项”,命名为“WindowsUpdate”。 在“WindowsUpdate”文件夹中,右键点击空白处,选择“新建” > “DWORD(32位)...
"Every time I try to shut down my computer, I was forced to update my Windows 10. But I really don't want to update my operating system because the automatic update might take up the system and network resources. Is there anybody who can help me solve this problem and disable Windows ...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU Key: NoAutoUpdate Type: DWORD Value: 1 To enable updates again, remove AU registry key or delete NoAutoUpdate DWORD. Hope this helps. Good luck! Microsoft MVP (Windows and Devices for IT) Windows Insider MVP...
how about the regedit? i don’t have windows 10 pro Reply Sergey Tkachenko says: August 8, 2015 at 6:43 pm Regedit is available in Windows 10 Home. Reply Phil says: August 8, 2015 at 12:41 am sorry, i can change settings in services.msc in windows 10 home thanks for the new...
Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry. Browse the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Right-click the Windows (folder) key, select New, and then click Key. Name the new key WindowsUpdate and press Enter. ...
Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update\Configure Automatic Updates DisabledIt even says this when you read the text. This is turns the Updates to Manual and it appears that it honors it -- even on W10 Pro!!Try this experiment. Build 2 test machines off the network. Set ...
Open Windows Run, input “regedit” into Windows Run, and press Enter to open Windows Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor window, click on the File option in the upper-left corner and select Export from the drop-down list. Then, in the new popup, name the file copy and choose a ...
Step 1. PressWindows + Rkeyboard shortcut to open the Run box. Typeregeditin the text box and pressEnter. Step 2. Select theYesoption in the new window. Here this post might be helpful:How to Fix UAC Yes Button Missing or Grayed Out. ...
1. Open Start, by clicking on the Windows logo on the bottom left of your screen. 2. Type “Regedit” in the search bar, and proceed by clicking on the Registry Editor with the blue icon. Click on yes when prompted by Windows. Type “Regedit” to open the Registry Editor 3. The ...