In this article we’ll explore these use cases and take a look at how we can useuser-select: noneto improve (not hinder) user experiences. It’s also worth nothing that theuser-selectproperty has other values besidesnonethat can be used to alter the behavior of text selection rather than...
html input, textarea, *[contenteditable=true] { -ms-user-select: none; cursor: default; } Enable selection for non-editable UI elements If you've shut down selection globally across your app, but would like to override this setting for the content of a particular UI element, just apply ...
</select> 54、size设置显示条目数量 <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>下拉列表支持多选</title></head><body><!--mutiple 支持多选 size 设置显示条目数量--><selectmultiple="multiple"size="3"><option>河北省</option><option>河南省</option><option>湖北省</option><option...
如果说在这种情况下用readonly来代替disabled,若表单中只有input(text / password)和textarea元素,那还是可以的; 如果存在其他元素,比如select,readonly属性对它们无效,用户可以在重新改写值后按回车键进行提交(回车是默认的submit触发按键)。 所以,我们常常在用户按了提交按钮后,利用javascript将提交按钮disabled掉,这样...
selectvalue assign value to fileupload control Assing List Collection Values to textboxes Asynchronous method HttpContext.Current is null Atleast one checkbox is compulsory to be checked Attempt by method 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Symbols+Container.InvokeMethod(Method, System.Object[], ...
:boolean;// Whether to clear the log every timedisableSelect?:boolean;// Whether to disable selection text Default is falsedisableCopy?:boolean;// Whether to disable copying, default is falsedisableCut?:boolean;// Whether to disable cutting, default is falsedisablePaste:boolean;// Whether to ...
disable-text { user-select: none; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="disable-text"> <h1>Unselectable Text</h1> </div> <div> <h1>Selectable Text</h1></div> </body> </html> OutputIn the above example, the text "unselectable text" cannot be selected by the user whereas the...
如果说在这种情况下用readonly来代替disabled的话,若表单中只有input(text / password)和textarea元素,那还是可以的,如果存在其他发元素,比如select,用户可以在重新改写值后按回车键进行提交(回车是默认的submit触发按键) 我们常常在用户按了提交按钮后,利用javascript将提交按钮disabled掉,这样可以防止网络条件比较差的...
// Extended disable function jQuery.fn.extend({ disable: function(state) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if($'input, button, textarea, select')) this.disabled = state; else $this.toggleClass('disabled', state); }); } }); // D...
I want to disable contextmenu (right click) in Media Web Part so user cannot download video file. Found solution here which I tested in browser by inspecting element and updating HTML and it worked. ... <> document.querySelector('video').setAttribute('oncontextmenu',"return fals...