Web browsers like Edge offer a way to disable the QUIC protocol through a group policy. However, these group policies intentionallydon't applyto WebView2 applications. We would like to offer our users an option to disable QUIC in the WebView2 used by our...
i want to automate my webview2 and according to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/howto/webdriver the edgedriver needs to match the edge version and i have 85.0.528.0 canary and the edgedriver latest version is 84.0.524.0 so i need to fix canary in 84.0.524.0 ...
Install-Package Microsoft.Web.WebView2 -Version 1.0.705.50 I have the following code: (IDE: VS2019 Version 16.8.4) using Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core; using Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Window...
Some of our customers block QUIC traffic from their end users' machines. This is often because their firewall is unable to inspect TLS traffic when sent over...
@aloneguid, WebView2 doesn't have any API to disable or query GPU status. You can disable GPU through command line like NarutoUA called out, but currently there's no programmatic way to query whether GPU composition is disabled or not. Is there any specific reason for you to worry that...
Develop secure WebView2 apps - Microsoft Edge Development How to develop secure WebView2 applications. Autocomplete not working in Internet Explorer - Browsers Provides the resolution to make sure you can save passwords in a web site if the Autocomplete feature is enabled in Internet Explorer ...
Starting with the next Power BI Desktop release, WebView2 will be required. If you have not switched over yet, please take action now to avoid interruptions! As first announced in June 2021, we are switching a vital component of Power BI from CefSharp to WebView2. We’re...
Command executed: “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.WebView2,version=119.0.2151.58,productarch=neutral,machinearch=x64\microsoftedgewebview2runtimeinstallerx64.exe” /silent /install Return code: -2147219196 Return code details: Unknown error (0x80040904) Log ...
You already have WebView2 installed if this App is on your machine: ‘Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime’. If you do, no further action is required. Installing WebView2 To use WebView2, you will need to install it. Depending on the configuration on your machine there are a couple of sc...
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