[PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows 10 default web browser to IE using PowerShell? [Powershell] lastlogondate exactly 90 days ago [SOLVED] Domain Join Assist...
Using UI and using PowerShell. Microsoft documentation is outdated - it refers to this feature in EAC in which it is retired, so documentation is useless. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/security-and-compliance/create-or-remove-in-place-holds I run a PowerShell to check ...
PowerShell 複製 Disable-CsAdDomain [-Domain <Fqdn>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-GlobalCatalog <Fqdn>] [-GlobalSettingsDomainController <Fqdn>] [-Force] [-Report <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Description When you install Skype for Business Server in a domain, that...
In the Exchange Management Shell, replace<UserIdentity>with the name or user principal name of the user (for example, user@contoso.com), and run this command to verify that the user can't be found. PowerShell Get-User<UserIdentity> ...
I issued the following commands in PowerShell : $tpm = gwmi -n root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm win32_tpm $tpm.SetPhysicalPresenceRequest(0) In researching it appeared a value of 0 would disable and i tried it and it worked. yay! Thanks for you...
1) Save the script into a ps1 file 2) Open PowerShell 3) Navigate to the folder where you saved the script 4) Execute the script
i. Now completely power off the computer (S5 state)Hold down the shift and click Shutdown in the start menu, this will shut down the power completely.ii. Disassemble the NUC and take out the motherboardiFixit has a very detailed guide on how to take apart the 8th Gen NUC....
Option Three:To Start, Stop, and Disable Services using Sc Command Option Four:To Start, Stop, and Restart Services in Task Manager Option Five:To Start, Stop, and Disable Services in Registry Editor Option Six:To Check Status of Services in PowerShell ...
让CPU别跑太低 方案1最简单的办法网上有说明,就是关闭GPU的睿频,方法是开机时通过Ctrl + h打开bios隐藏选项,然后打开Advance中的GT Power选项,把Disable GT Turbo frequency选项打开,但是这时会让GPU最大只能工作在很低的频率下,严重影响性能。 方案2就是尽量让CPU工作在高性能模式 176 win11吧 raychen726 微星b...
Hi, I'm trying to disable the voicemail function in our Teams, but after several changes is still active. My first attempt was using the admin: The second try was with PowerShell... vcima1210 I have used this information today. To clarify, my findings are that the solutions provided wor...