2. Here,scroll down to find the “Notify Me” toggle under “Mentions” and disable it. That’s it. You will not receive notifications for muted threads, even if someone mentions your name in the group chat. Completely Mute Group Messages on iPhone and iPad As you can see, the steps a...
You’ll see a message indicating that Voicemail has been deactivated successfully. Hit Dismiss to close it. To reactivate the Voicemail feature on your iPhone, all you need to do is dial the same code again. 3. Contact carrier support While you may see the deactivation confirmation, double-ch...
Here's how to set up, change or disable the passcode for your iPhone. If the passcode is forgotten, your Apple®iPhone®needs to be restored to default settings using iTunes. Refer to thisiTunes support pagefor instructions. Open the Settings app . Tap Display & Brightness . Tap Auto-...
The Android phone began the Group Chat, the iPhone with 'Send as SMS' enabled sent the first response, my iPhone received both and somehow was able to respond into the Group Chat, sending an SMS message to both recipients. Today, I had the time to log in to the Verizon portal and pok...
Step 6:Right Clickon the name of the device i.e. Apple iPhone and then click onPropertiesfrom the menu. Step 7: Go to theDrivertab and then click onDisable Deviceand then click onOk. Note: One thing to consider using this method is that while it will disable the message, it can also...
How do I turn off sent iMessage sound on Macbook It is so disappointing that people are asking this question since 2012 but Apple does nothing!! The same on the iPhone, do we need to jailbreak our phones to delete the sound file?! pathetic And I know what you're gonna say, restart...
Feature Description Annoying feature to me. Rationale Annoying feature to me. Mockup No response Additional Context No response antdudeadded theenhancementNew feature or requestlabelJan 8, 2024 krille-chanclosed this ascompletedJan 9, 2024
Sending a text message (SMS) Sending a multimedia message (MMS) Sending a group message Resuming a draft message Replying to a message Forwarding a message Moving messages to the secure box Blocking unwanted messages Copying a text message to the nano SIM card Deleting messages and conversat...
To be perfectly clear, if you disable iMessage you will no longer receive any type of iMessages, though you will continue to receive traditional text messages (SMS and MMS). This means that a user who is trying to text message you from an iPhone or other smartphone will still succeed in...
My question is, can I disable the nonhelpful message status icon that iMac throws up when I text on my iPhone, but still use the iMac as a text machine whenever I please? Thanks, Ed iphone imac Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 10, 2015 at 0:02 user109049 1111 bron...