Google Chrome also has an option for you to manage Sync. Go back to settings and select the “Sync and Google services” drop-down menu. Select the “Manage sync” option, and you can toggle the “Sync everything” option at the top right. If you only want to enable specific options,...
iCloud Photos only works on the device that you turn it on or off, which means that iCloud Photos automatically sync images and videos from your current device when it is enabled orstops syncing photos to iCloudonce it’s turned off. You have to set iCloud Photos up for other devices ...
Disables the functionality that provides each user with the capability to sync their account data. For instance, the Google Account Manager application is meant to assist the user with syncing their email and other related items. Cloud Messaging Services Eliminated Cloud messaging services will not be...
When you plug an iPhone or iPod into a computer with iTunes, iTunes opens and tries to perform an automaticsync with the device. This is designed to be convenient since it prevents you from having to open iTunes manually. But there are some good reasons for wanting to disable automatic s...
Instant uploadallows to quickly sync your precious moments (photos or videos) with your google+ account. These objects are stored securely and privately on the cloud and visible only to you (unless you share later). However not a lot of people are aware of this and freakout once they find...
Coming to our point of interest, when you sign into iCloud on any device, you are given the privilege to choose the services that you want to sync to iCloud. Now when you enable iCloud Photos on a device, then all photos on that device will be saved in iCloud. If you connect anot...
How do I back up my photos and videos? How do I copy files between my phone and computer? I was using HTC Backup before. Why isn't HTC Backup available on my phone? How do I get HTC Sync Manager to recognize my phone? Calls and SIM Can I cut my micro SIM to a nano ...
Cloud saves, while very practical and essential, are often ignored by most gamers. That’s mostly because cloud saves can take a bit of time to upload and sync, and we all would be lying if we said that we’re patient. Either way, it’s your call if you want to keep them enabled...
It allows you totransfer, sync, or backup filesfrom iCloud Drive to another cloud directly with everything transferred. Itnot only backs up iCloud Drive but also protects files in iCloud Photos. Itsupports 30+ mainstream clouds and services, including Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud ...
AD-Time sync issues AD/DNS problem? dcdiag failed test Connectivity AD/DNS setup in an internet-isolated environment ADAM and replication ADAM - replicate or export/import ADAM "The directory property cannot be found in the cache" adam.Events.xml could not enumerate ADAMSync / LDS - How to ...