/* eslint-plugin-disable */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+ name); } Disable all except Another custom option allows to disable all plugins except ones that are specified. It might be useful when there are a lot of plugins in the project and it is required to use one or two ...
/* eslint-plugin-disable react, jsx-a11y */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+name);} If no any plugins provided -allplugins registered in ESLint config will be disabled: /* eslint-plugin-disable */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+name);} ...
/* eslint-plugin-disable react, jsx-a11y */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+name);} If no any plugins provided -allplugins registered in ESLint config will be disabled: /* eslint-plugin-disable */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+name);} ...
Note: Some versions of Visual Studio may have this setting under “Tools” > “Options” > “Text Editor” > “JavaScript/TypeScript” > “ESLint” where you can set the “Enable ESLint” setting to “True” or “False“.
:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript - chore: disable eslint-plugin-perfectionist on enums (#9883) · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint@cc50e62
如果在项目的子目录中也包含着.eslintrc文件,则对于子目录中文件的检查会忽略掉根目录中的配置,而直接采用子目录中的配置,这就能够在不同的目录范围内应用不同的检查规则,显得比较灵活。ESLint采用逐级向上查找的方式查找.eslintrc.文件,当找到带有”root”: true配置项的.eslintrc.*文件时,将会停止向上查找。
https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/ vscodesettings.json✅ { "vetur.validation.template": false,// ✅ "vetur.validation.script": false, "vetur.validation.style": false, } {"files.exclude":{"**/vendor/":true,// hiiden angular 1.x packages"**/.git":true,"**/.DS_Store...
在代码顶部添加一行注释 /eslint-disable/ (两个/中间有两个*,像题目那样) ,ESLint 在校验的时候就会跳过后面的代码。
ESLint config: { "root": true, "env": { "browser": true, "es6": true, "node": true, "jest": true }, "parser": "babel-eslint", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2018, "sourceType": "module", "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true, "modules": true } }, "plugins": ["react",...
/* eslint camelcase : ["error", {ignoreDestructuring:true}] */ const Lesson_1 = {title:'主键在Home Row.'},'lesson': 'jjj fff jjj fff'} 没有任何更改而出现了相同的驼峰错误。 ESLint文档建议禁用整个规则,但除了上述方法外,没有具体说明其他方法。