// eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-typesfunctionMyComponent(props){return{props.text};} 在上面的例子中,我们禁用了react/prop-types这个规则,该规则在React组件中要求定义props的类型。 注释中的eslint-disable-next-line告诉ESLint禁用该规则的下一行。 禁用多个React规则...
We are pushing the community towards replacing ESLint styling rules with tools like Prettier. Unfortunately it means inconvenience of disallowing any ESLint customization in the meantime. In the future, when we integrate Prettier into CRA by default and enforce its usage, we might enable ESLint r...
eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps 是一个 ESLint 指令,用于禁用对 React Hooks 依赖项检查的特定规则。在 React 中,使用 useEffect、useMemo、useCallback 等Hooks 时,ESLint 的 react-hooks/exhaustive-deps 规则会要求你在依赖数组中列出所有在 Hook 回调函数中使用的外部变量(即除了参数和 ...
The following directive will disable all plugins registered in ESLint config except"react"and"jsx-a11y". /* eslint-plugin-disable-all-except react, jsx-a11y */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+ name); } Notes: disable all except: if no plugins specified, thennoneof the plugins li...
/* eslint-plugin-disable react, jsx-a11y */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+name);} If no any plugins provided -allplugins registered in ESLint config will be disabled: /* eslint-plugin-disable */functiongreet(name){console.log('Hi, '+name);} ...
constrealConfig={/* ... */};constnopConfig={/*This config is meant to do nothing.It exists because there's no good way to disable ESLint in Create React App:https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/9929So the workaround here is to craft a config that does as little as...
In**倾城上传234KB文件格式zip 禁用色情片段 包含用于忽略的代码段; 块,当前行或下一行。 开始在javascript .js ,javascriptreact .jsx , .jsx .ts或.tsx文件中键入eslint-disable ,以触发代码段自动完成。 键入要禁用的规则,或将其保留为空以禁用所有规则。
Vue 3.x disable ESlint error All In One <template><!-- <>react fragment</> --><!-- <template>vue fragment</template> --><template>{{store.msg}}</template><template>xxx{{ this will not be compiled }}</template></template> The template element is used to declare fragments...
ESLint config: { "root": true, "env": { "browser": true, "es6": true, "node": true, "jest": true }, "parser": "babel-eslint", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2018, "sourceType": "module", "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true, "modules": true } }, "plugins": ["react",...