[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727] SchUseStrongCrypto=dword:00000001 To apply the change, you must restart the following services and applications: ADFS Service (adfssrv) Device Registration Service (drs) Any other .NET application that might be running ...
WOW... (smh) This is crazy. sure sounds like we should all get out now while we can. 2 Reply junedoneen Level 3 May 23, 2023 09:55 AM I have QB Premier 2021 - the last desktop version that could be purchased. I do payroll for several clients. Her...
For that reason, we recommend usingWPCode. It is the best code snippet plugin and makes it easy to add custom code in WordPress without putting your site at risk. We’ve used WPCode to change theadmin color scheme,remove the ‘Howdy Admin’ text,disable the Screen Options button, an...
A problem with HSTS settings in Chrome typically results in a “Your connection is not private” error. By expanding the Advanced menu linked to this error, you might see a note about HSTS, such as “You cannot visit *website name* because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attack...
... both in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update AND HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Google\Update since it is a 64-bit machine. So the radical solution to prevent the auto-update, if that helps anyone, is to just purely sort the program responsible for the ...
Gutenberg is the new block editor in WordPress and was first introduced in WordPress 5.0 back in December 2018. Not everyone likes the change – some users find it hard to work with, and many want to stick to what they know. So, if you miss the classic editor, you’re not alone. ...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft.NETFramework\v2.0.50727] SchUseStrongCrypto=dword:00000001 To apply the change, you must restart the following services and applications: ADFS Service (adfssrv) Device Registration Service (drs) Any other .NET application that might be running ...
I've been using photoshop regularly for almost 15 years and I've just now started having this error pop up and its making me crazy. I don't know how you all have lived with it this whole time and I feel lucky that I have...
Hi, I have a modern SharePoint Online list in which I have disabled attachments using the List Settings > Advanced Settings > Attachments =...
Instead of manipulating the global macro settings, you can configure Excel to trust specific locations on your computer or local network. Any Excel file in a trusted location opens with macros enabled and without security warnings, even if theDisable all macros without notificationoption is selected...