Check BedTime Status - Clock App; Use Bedtime to track your sleep on your iPhone - Apple Support Check your iPhone Sound Volume; Adjust the volume on your iPhone - Apple Support Check Call Audio Routing; Call Audio Routing Bluetooth / Speaker / Automatic Check Auto Answer Calls; Turn off Au...
1. Launch Settings app in iPhone/iPad, than go to "General." 2. Tap on "Siri" to enter Siri settings screen. On the top windows, flip the switch of Siri to OFF position. 3. When prompted, confirm that you would like to disable Siri by taping on "Turn Off Siri." Then you can ...
On iPad, go to Settings > FaceTime and enable iPhone Cellular Calls. You'll be required to verify the device with a four digit code sent to your iPhone. Then on the Mac, open FaceTime, navigate to preferences and check the box for iPhone Cellular Calls. You will be asked to verify t...
Voicemail not needed at all: Voicemail is of no use to you if you rarely miss any calls or never rely on voicemails. 3 ways to turn off Voicemail on iPhone If any of the said reasons resonate with you, you can use any of the following methods to disable Voicemail on your iPhone. 1...
Just set up the Downtime according to the Screen Time you set. When the Downtime is enabled on your iOS device, you child can only use the phone to make calls, receive messages, or use the allowed apps. You can follow the instructions below to set up a Downtime on your iPhone/iPad...
Yes, your iPhone can still make emergency calls without Location Services enabled, and it will provide your location to emergency services when you make a call. Will turning off location services stop targeted ads? Disabling location services may reduce the number of targeted ads based on your lo...
I've missed some important calls because I haven't been able to figure out how to TURN OFF FOCUS entirely until I have more time to spend with it. I need my phone to work again. 🙏 2 years ago 264 5 Remove focus on iPad? Get rid of focus!!!??? ( my ipad and iphone are...
Recent stories by Glenn Fleishman: You don’t have to turn on RCS to message with Android users How to record and transcribe voice calls on your iPhone How to adjust Medications reminders on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch
Yes, you can still receive the calls usingGuided Accessand other functionalities even if the touch screen is blocked in a particular app. Are there any potential dangers of using third-party apps to disable the touch screen on my iPhone?
The default text size for subtitles is on the smaller side for most people. However, if you have less than perfect eyesight, you can easilychange your subtitle font size regardless of whether you’re using Netflix on an iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. ...