理解数据库中的 DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING 在数据库管理中,数据的可恢复性和性能是设计时需考虑的重要因素。Oracle 等数据库系统具有归档日志(Archive Logging)选项,允许用户在操作数据库时记录所有的更改。然而,在某些情况下,用户可能会选择禁用归档日志,这就是 “DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING” 的角色。 什么是归档日志?
12c数据泵新特性测试(关闭日志DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING+VIEWS_AS_TABLES选项导出视图) Data Pump 版本有了不少有用的改进,例如在导出时将视图转换为表,以及在导入时关闭日志记录等。 1.1 关闭redo日志的生成(TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y) Data Pump中引入了新的TRANSFORM选项,这对于对象在导入期间提供了关闭重...
impdp scott/tiger@ORCLPDB remap_table=EMPLOYEES:ZZZ_EMPLOYEES remap_tablespace=USER02:USER03 TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y job_name=ZZZ_EMPLOYEESimpdp#P_20240816#job dumpfile=PRM.EMPLOYEES#P_20240816.crmhis1.dpdmp DIRECTORY=dump_dir logfile=impdp_ZZZ_EMPLOYEES#P_20240816.out CLUSTER=N table_...
在oracle 12c版本中引入了impdp中的TRANSFORM中的DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING值,可以实现在导入的时候使用nologging处理从而减少日志量也增加速度,但是在force logging情况下该参数无效 创建测试表 [oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus xff/oracle@localhost/pdb SQL*Plus: Release ProductiononFri Apr 7 10:20:45...
ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.CHANGE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING [TABLE_DATA:"SYS"."KU$_EXPORT_USER_MAP"] ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95 ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 11259 ...
There are 2 types of logging mode in oracle database. 1. Archivelog mode In this mode, after the online redo logs are filled , it will move to archive location 2. Noarchivelog mode In this mode, filled online redo logs wont be archives, instead they will be overwritten. ...
7. Change the value of the CLUSTER_DATABASE parameter to true. 8. Restart your instances. These steps should allow you to disable archive log mode. To disable archive logging, follow the same steps but use the NOARCHIVELOG clause of the ALTER DATABASE statement."...
For the downtime part of the upgrade, it is advisable to switch archive logging off because it brings only overhead and no benefit, since you could not possibly recover to a point somewhere in the middle of the upgrade. Show replies Show replies You must be a registered user to add ...
Archive destination /opt/oracle/oradata/conner/archive Oldest online log sequence 20 Next log sequence to archive 23 Current log sequence 23 SQL> alter system switch logfile; System altered. SQL> select group#,status from v$Log; GROUP# STATUS ...
Event ID: 4729 and 4728 not logging Event ID: 5168 / Spn check for SMB/SMB2 fails Event id: for GPO changes event id14 Microsoft-Windows-Kerberos-Key-Distribution-Center Event IDs 5805 and 5723 are reported in the System Event Log Event IDs for joining & disjoining PCs / Servers to dom...