Medical practitioner certifies in writing that these services are necessary and that your impairment is likely to be indefinite Part time attendant care: DTC eligible Self Spouse Common Law Partner Individuals with dependent children other eligible dependants ...
For DTC a medical practitioner needs to fill out Form T2201 (The Disability Tax Credit Certificate) and certify that the child has severe and prolonger impairment in physical or mental functions. The CRA will then need to approve the form. For CCB, there are three ways to apply; through b...
amountonhisorherincometaxreturn.To qualifyforthedisabilityamount,adoctor orappropriatemedicalpractitionermust certifythattheindividualhasaprolonged physicalormentalimpairment. ▪RDSPscanbeopenedwithmostmajor financialinstitutions. CanadaDisabilitySavingsGrant ...
Line 5—Credits Include on this line any tax credits that you're entitled to claim, such as the child tax and higher education credits, credit for child and dependent care expenses, earned income credit, or credit for the elderly or the disabled. See Pub. 505, Table 1-2, for credits....