Race and sex are key variables: Disability varies by race and sex groups; further, within race/sex subpopulations, disability is differentially affected by other covariates, especially marital status and poverty. Therefore, it is crucial to examine disability not only for the total elderly population...
There exists a significant difference between the life satisfaction of people with and without disabilities, to the disadvantage of the former. The present work investigates the association between environmental accessibility and life satisfaction by disability status. The environmental accessibility index is ...
6.1.2aSocial Status and Own Intellectual Disabilities Obviously, if intelligence is positively correlated with social status (as documented above), one would expect to find greater proportions of intellectually disabled persons to be relatively low in social status. Confirming this expectation,Table 6.1...
Students with disabilities who are racialized and/or identify within a lower socio-economic status experience much higher rates of segregation than other students. A report released by Canada’s largest school board stated that “[s]tudents who self-identified as Black were over-represented in cong...
A cross-sectional survey of functional status among elderly Hong Kong Chinese aged 70 years and over was carried out to estimate the current burden of disability. Two thousand and thirty-two subjects (999 men, 1033 women) were recruited by random sampling of the old age and disability allowance...
Has the person’s health status changed? The person’s goals and desires Review or identify personal value outcomes. Recent events that may affect the person’s health, safety and goals Review and develop next-step strategies and resources What must the ISP include? The ISP should include: ...
(guttatim effluxit) from the eye, but recognized that this temporary lack of external light and vision was a test to make him see the inner light more clearly (non est. contristatus pro exterioris luminis detrimento: quia quanto carnalis visus obscurior, tanto mentis acies ad contempla...
0269-2009 of the National Identity and Civil Status Registry (RENIEC), which establishes that national identity documents are to be issued free of charge to persons with disabilities and provides for expedited procedures for persons, especially children, who do not have a birth certificate; and ...
Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 disability名— 残疾人名 · 残障名 disability— 损伤 · 身心障碍 care名— 照料名 · 关怀名 · 谨慎名 · 忧虑名 care(sth.)动— 照料动 ...
267). However, blindness does not necessarily lead to marginal social status in the Muslim community, since many blind people are married and have children.5 Other people considered blindness as a state that brought people closer to Allah. Blind Muslims in North Africa did not necessarily ...