Artificial restriction or form of discrimination imposed by society on people with impairments, such as banning blind people from the Navy. A failure of society to provide reasonable accommodations to people who currently have impairments, such as failing to provide wheelchair ramps in new buildings. ...
Department of Human Services – Utopia mashes OpenStreetMaps with data about steps, elevators, ramps, disabled toilets and the like in order to identify both inaccessible and accessible routes to a destination with the potential to be expanded with crowdsourced information about accessibility in a ...
It's not especially easy to get around with a wheelchair at the best of times. There are many restaurants near our house that we can no longer visit as a family because they are accessible only by steps. At the local McDonald's, the Happy Meal display blocks the wheelchair ramp, and ...
UPS fired Murphy. He responded by suing under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a 1990 law best known for requiring handicap-access ramps in public buildings. Murphy's is one of three suits now before the Supreme Court asking the question, what is a disability? If high blood pressure is ...
but instead he and his family spent hours building and painting wheelchair ramps personalized to each of Jonah’s favorite bars and comedy clubs. The “Ramp It Up” project, as it was officially known, served as a precursor to Jonah’s mayoral run in 2010 on a wheelchair advocacy platform,...