Home modifications can help people living with cognitive and physical disabilities live better lives. Here’s how to make a financial plan for them.
Effect of home modification interventions on the participation of community-dwelling adults with health conditions: a systematic review. Am J Occup Ther. 2017;71(2):p1, p11.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 30. French B, Leathley M, Sutton C, et al. A systematic review of repetitive functional ...
The PST modification used in this study retained the 5 original steps in selecting problems and action plans.45 However, patients were oriented toward important yet simple and accessible problems. Furthermore, therapists were more directive than in the original version and provided structure on ...
For example, see, Sport2030-National Sport Plan; Australian Government, ‘Sport 2030 – National Sport Plan’, (Web Page, 2017) <https://www.sportaus.gov.au/nationalsportplan/home>. https://www.sportaus.gov.au/grants_and_funding/investment_announcements; See the NSO Investment Allocations- ...
The procedure involved a modification of a previously published single-trial method that had been used to demonstrate impaired strength in a mutant mouse model of muscular dystrophy31. This methodology was adapted to evaluate deficits in strength related to decreases in physical endurance, which ...
Family Support Services Program (FSS or FSSP) Program designed to offer supportive services for families who have children with special needs living at home. Family Therapy Therapy with the family to work out family problems. Fee-for-Service Funding to a provider on a service-by-service basis....
effective. She continues to report muscular pain, fatigue, and anxiety. Recently, hyperprolactinemia was found (720 mlU L−1(ref: 102–496 mlU L−1)). An MRI of the pituitary, however, did not disclose pituitary adenomas. She lives in her own home, but requires frequent ...
The physiotherapist delivered or coordinated a broad range of additional interventions, including training targeting self-selected mobility goals (61 out of 120, 51%); provision, modification or advice about equipment (48 out of 120, 40%); referral to specialist aged care services such as ...
The physiotherapist delivered or coordinated a broad range of additional interventions, including training targeting self-selected mobility goals (61 out of 120, 51%); provision, modification or advice about equipment (48 out of 120, 40%); referral to specialist aged care services such as ...
A short physical performance battery assessing lower extremity function: association with self-reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission. J Gerontol. 1994;49(2):M85-M94. doi:10.1093/geronj/49.2.M85 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 24. Choi L, Liu Z...