Learn about Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and whether you might qualify for benefits.
Written by Disability Representative and former Examiner, Tim Moore, SSDRC explains how to get disability benefits, as quickly as possible.
Important Tips when applying for Social Security Disability Benefits & SSI Benefits! Don't miss this!
You’re invited to schedule an appointment for a free consultation to discuss your claim for benefits. We have shown hundreds of disabled persons how to win their Social Security claims, and look forward to helping you with your case.
The French pattern of early transitions out of employment is basically explained by the low age at "normal" retirement and by the importance of transitions through unemployment insurance and early-retirement schemes before access to normal retirement. These routes have exempted French workers from massi...
If you become disabled before age 22, you can be classified as an adult child and potentially become eligible for SSDI benefits based on a parent's work history. The Social Security Administration hasmore informationon qualifying for benefits on a family member's work history. If you can't ...
However, coverage and benefit levels remain low. This article calls for the state to play a greater role in the provision of social assistance for persons with disabilities in developing countries. Policies and programmes which protect economic security should be combined with those which promote an...
experienced southfield, michigan disability and social security attorney First, there is never a charge for consultation. Call as much as you wish and ask all of the questions that come to mind. You will not be charged. Our pledge to you includes: Return all phone calls within 24 hours. As...
If you have disability-related expenses that you pay out of pocket (and you aren't reimbursed by some other source), the Social Security Administration may exclude them from your earned income. These are calledimpairment-related work expenses (IRWE). That means they subtract the amount you pay...
Struggling with a disability benefits claim? Our attorneys in Lake Oswego are here to fight for your rights and secure your Social Security benefits.