The Home Health Agency SAF provided home health care use and cost, and the Outpatient SAF provided use and cost of outpatient services, including emergency department visits, physical therapy, and outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Participants were matched to each Health Care Financing ...
whether with one of the service organizations or with a local or state-level veterans service agency. When your claim provides insufficient evidence to demonstrate your condition is service-connected or its severity, you may be improperly denied or receive an inaccurate and low VA disability rating...
These surveys address specific agency needs and are useful primarily for research about their specific target populations, which are generally not addressed in other surveys. They are conducted relatively infrequently and do not support state or regional estimates. 1. Coverage of U.S. Households The...
Marco Midon is an engineer with NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He has been blind since birth, but has always loved sounds. He now uses his understanding of radios in his work at the space agency. Max Cleland was severely wounded as a soldier in the war in Vietna...
The federal agency primarily responsible for administering the various programs for veterans is theVeterans Affairs Department(VA). A veteran's eligibility for the benefits administered by the VA depends upon a number of factors, such as whether the veteran served during wartime. A veteran must have...
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is established by state and federal law as an independent state agency to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports, they need. Stuttering...
A federal law that grants civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications. ...
with the agency, or appeal to the NewYorkStateOffice of TemporaryandDisabilityAssistance and request a fair hearing. 5.4.4 倘若申請人不滿人力資源管理局或當地社會服務辦事處的 決定,可要求與有關機構會晤,或向紐約州濟急及殘疾援助處(Office of TemporaryandDisabilityAssistance...
Many government employees in Pennsylvania can get short-term disability insurance at work. An agency, department, or university might offer a voluntary or group (employer-paid) program. Commonwealth State government workers can buy short-term disability insurance through a voluntary plan offered by the...
but while their physical mobility may increase, the technology draws attention to the fact that they have difficulty walking, thus paradoxically increasing their negative associations with immobility. The virtual world can both augment the sense ofagencyof disabled people and have disabling effects, as...