Whats thirty feet long and smells like urine? Line dancing at a nusing home. What do you call Iron Man without his suit? Stark naked! What is the square root of 69? Ate something But do you know what 6.9 is? A good thing screwed up by a period. What do cow pies and cowgi...
he and his party boarded the sub. They descended the ladder to take command of the vessel, which was a problem because no one in the submarine could speak English and none in the boarding party knew any German.
People usually take a birthday present to a birthday party. After a dinner or birthday party, most people telephone the host to say thanks. Some people write a short thank-you note or send an e-mail to the host. 任务A: Mary 邀请James参加生日晚会,请把以下各项活动按正确的顺序排列,把A、...
Once they were done and they'd gotten him dressed, Sheila, remembering that her Grandpa was one of those unfortunates whose birthday was close to Christmas asked, "What do you want for your birthday, Grandpa?" "Whenisyour birthday, Papa Charlie?" Essence asked. "Tomorrow," he said. "Then...
I didn't get away till seven thirty→ no conseguí marcharme hasta las siete y mediaI can't get away before the 15th→ no puedo escaparme or irme antes del 15it would be lovely to get away somewhere→ sería maravilloso irse a algún sitioget away! (= go away)→ ¡vete ya!, ...