The 1987 film "Dirty Dancing" has been revered for its iconic setting in the Catskills. On Tuesday night, a building at the famed New York resort that once hosted idyllic family summers and served as inspiration for the film's backdrop burned down. The Liberty, New York, fire department s...
But visitors looking for waist-deep water where they can practice tricky dance manoeuvres will almost certainly be out of luck: the lake where Patrick Swayze romanced Jennifer Grey has almost disappeared.The Independent (London, England)
a stately hotel sitting on its south edge that played the role of Kellerman's in the film. What used to be a vacation destination for boating and swimming has had to refocuse its offerings to land-based activities, such as archery, hiking, a ropes course and "Dirty Dancing"-themed events...
This 1987 timeless classic, 'Dirty Dancing' took fans on a 3-week getaway they’ll never forget. So is Baby still in that corner?
購買&出售The Theatre at Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto - Complex,多倫多的Dirty Dancing in Concert門票,盡在viagogo,一個讓人們能夠安全有保障地購買和出售各種現場活動門票的在線票務網站
購買&出售The Theatre at Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto - Complex,多倫多的Dirty Dancing in Concert門票,盡在viagogo,一個讓人們能夠安全有保障地購買和出售各種現場活動門票的在線票務網站