First, familiarize yourself with the layout of the clutch and shifters on your dirt bike. Dirt bikes made for adults have a clutch on the left handlebar and a foot shifter just in front of the left foot peg. The throttle, which gives your bike gas, is on the right handle and the kic...
Places To Ride Dirt Bikes (Not just the track) Where to ride / By Editorial Team A car has its road, a boat has the water and the airplane as the air. But what about dirt bikes? Where do they ride? And is all dirt bike riding legal?While much of what you see on TV nowadays...
If you find your self spending more time eating dirt than taking the lead in races and challenges, or simply looking for better ways to improve your dirt bike and performance, then be sure to read our Dirt Bike Unchained tips, cheats and strategies below! Our comprehensive Dirt...
First, familiarize yourself with the layout of the clutch and shifters on your dirt bike. Dirt bikes made for adults have a clutch on the left handlebar and a foot shifter just in front of the left foot peg. The throttle, which gives your bike gas, is on the right handle and the kic...