In this note, we will focus on several applications on the Dirichlet's box principle in Discrete Mathematics lesson and number theory lesson. In addition, the main result is an innovative game on a triangular board developed by the authors. The game has been used in teaching and learning ...
1) dirichlet principle 狄利克雷原理2) Dirichlet box principle 狄利克雷抽屉原理3) dirichlet theorem 狄利克雷定理4) dirichlet domain 狄利克雷域5) Dirichlet kernel 狄利克雷核6) Dirichlet form 狄利克雷型补充资料:狄利克雷,P.G.L. 德国数学家。对数论、数学分析和数学物理有突出贡献,是解析数论...
Dirichlet's Box Principle Dirichlet's conditions Dirichlet's drawer principle Dirichlet's principle Dirichlet's problem Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet-Biomial Attribute Test Dirichlet-to-Neumann DIRID Dirige Dirigeant-Entrepreneur du Secteur des Méti...
Dirichlet's Box Principle Dirichlet's conditions Dirichlet's drawer principle Dirichlet's principle Dirichlet's problem Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet-Biomial Attribute Test Dirichlet-to-Neumann DIRID Dirige Dirigeant-Entrepreneur du Secteur des Méti...
Having heard of that principle, but having not mastered the technique of logical thinking, 8 year olds Stas and Masha invented a game. There areadifferent boxes andbdifferent items, and each turn a player can either add a new box or a new item. The player, after whose turn the number ...
Having heard of that principle, but having not mastered the technique of logical thinking, 8 year olds Stas and Masha invented a game. There areadifferent boxes andbdifferent items, and each turn a player can either add a new box or a new item. The player, after whose turn the number ...
Dirichlet Principle Dirichlet Problem Dirichlet Series Dirichlet test for convergence Dirichlet theorem Dirichlet transform Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet's conditions dirigible Dirk Dirk Jan Struik Dirk Volkertszoon Coornhert Dirksen, Everett ...
Dirichlet's Box Principle Dirichlet's conditions Dirichlet's drawer principle Dirichlet's principle Dirichlet's problem Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet-Biomial Attribute Test Dirichlet-to-Neumann DIRID Dirige Dirigeant-Entrepreneur du Secteur des Méti...
2、均匀分布,Box-Muller 变换 3、Monte Carlo principle 4、接受-拒绝抽样(Acceptance-Rejection sampling) 5、重要性抽样(Importance sampling) 6、马尔科夫链,马尔科夫稳态 7、MCMC——Metropolis-Hasting算法 8、MCMC——Gibbs Sampling算法 参考资料 Blei, David M.; Ng, Andrew Y.; Jordan, Michael I. Latent...