编译Shader:在创建了Root Signature之后,开发者需要编译Shader程序,使其与Root Signature兼容。这意味着Shader的输入签名必须与Root Signature的布局相匹配。 绑定Root Signature:在创建了Root Signature并编译了与之兼容的Shader之后,开发者需要将Root Signature绑定到命令列表。这允许GPU在执行命令列表时知道如何访问Shader所...
28.Stencil 和 Z buffer 尽量一起clear. 他们本来就是一块缓冲。 29.尽量减少渲染状态的切换, 尽量一次画尽可能多的多边形。(根据显卡性能决定最多画多少, 不过一般再多也不会多到哪里去。 除非你根本不需要贴图和渲染状态的切换)。 30.尽量使用shader来代替Fixed Pipeline。 31.尽量使用shader来实现来取代Multipa...
To clear the Shader Cache in DirectX, you need to follow the guides mentioned above. As said earlier, you can remove it in two different ways. First, you can use the Disk Cleanup tool, which is the traditional method. However, if you use Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC, you can use the...
17.在shader中判断Z值可以避免绘制不可见的象素, 但是nvidia建议简单的shader不要这么做.(Don't do this in a simple shader)。 18.如果可能, 尽量使用vertex shader来代替pixel shader.将计算从逐象素变成逐顶点。 19.尽量降低贴图的大小.过大的贴图可能造成贴图cache过载, 从而导致贴图cache命中降低.过大的贴图...
13 如果深度缓存格式中包含有模版缓存,总是将两者一起Clear。 14 将计算结果和输出的shader指令合并: // Rather than doing a multiply and add, and then output the data with // two instructions: mad r2, r1, v0, c0 mov oD0, r2 // Combine both in a single instruction, because this eliminate...
13 如果深度缓存格式中包含有模版缓存,总是将两者一起Clear。 14 将计算结果和输出的shader指令合并: // Rather than doing a multiply and add, and then output the data with // two instructions: mad r2, r1, v0, c0 mov oD0, r2 // Combine both in a single instruction, because this eliminate...
13 如果深度缓存格式中包含有模版缓存,总是将两者一起Clear。 14 将计算结果和输出的shader指令合并: // Rather than doing a multiply and add, and then output the data with // two instructions: mad r2, r1, v0, c0 mov oD0, r2 // Combine both in a single instruction, because this eliminate...
On the right side of the window, Windows will compile data you can clear. Select Temporary files. Scroll down and mark DirectX Shader Cache. Click Remove files. Option 2. Disk Cleanup utility Fix it now! To repair damaged system, you will have a 24hr Free Trial and the ability to purch...
Texture::Texture(Device&device,constD3D12_RESOURCE_DESC&resourceDesc,constD3D12_CLEAR_VALUE*clearValue):Resource(device,resourceDesc,clearValue){CreateViews();} 贴图的构造函数调用了CreateViews。 voidTexture::CreateViews(){if(m_d3d12Resource){autod3d12Device=m_Device.GetD3D12Device();CD3DX12_RESOUR...
Clear the DirectX Cache Fix it now! To repair damaged system, you will have a 24hr Free Trial and the ability to purchase the licensed version of the Fortect. Click the Windows icon located on the taskbar. Type disk cleanup and wait for search results to appear. Choose the Run as ...