Microsoft provides the DirectX End-User Runtime, which installs a number of runtime libraries from the legacy DirectX SDK for some games that use D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio 2.7, XInput 1.3, XACT, and/or Managed DirectX 1.1. This package does not modify the DirectX Runtime installed...
The following error reported: "The following component(s) are required to run this program: DirectX Runtime" Tried with precompiled: CARLA_0.9.11 and DxDiag.exe details: Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview ...
API Sets files can be downloaded from the server. If the user enable API Sets enhanced repairing for the first time, the programme will download the required files from the server automatically if they are missing. Improved Features: The dependence of required .NET runtime is optimised. From ...
D3D12on7 Windows 7-compatible DirectX 12 runtime with support for the RS5 (Windows 10 October 2018 Update) feature set Porting DirectX 12 Games to Windows 7 DirectStorage DirectStorage is a feature intended to allow games to make full use of high-speed storage (such as NVMe SSDs) that can...
在SDK/Redist目录下已经包含了一份完整的DX Runtime安装程序, 完全可以随应用程序一起发布给用户. 如果不想显示安装界面, 可以用"dxsetup.exe/silent"来调用安装程序. DirectX安装程序至少需要以下几个文件: dxsetup.exe dsetup32.dll dsetup.dll ...
Discussion in 'Rivatuner Statistics Server (RTSS) Forum' started by TheSorrowRaven, May 19, 2019. TheSorrowRaven Guest Hi, my new HP laptop just had this problem every time RTSS starts. I've tried installing Directx End-Use Runtime Web Installer but it fails (log says newer ...
In Visual Studio 2019, the Intel® Short Vector Library is now available as part of the Visual C++ runtime libraries. In DirectXMath 3.16 or later, I make use of this library to replace the minimax approximations of various transcendental and other math functions listed below. With the GitHu...
the DirectX team fixes this problem by allowing any application to light up newer DirectX 12 functionality than what’s on a given OS. The Agility SDK model lets this happen while also ensuring that there are no interruptions to existing games that rely on the System32 DirectX 12 runtime, ...
解决办法一:重新修复visualC++2015,右键选择更改,修复.我的还是提示缺少vcruntime140.dll解决方法二:重新下载并安装vcruntime140.dll,将安装包放到C:\windows\system32文件夹下,解决失败解决方法三:卸载visualC++2015,重新安装visualC++2015-2019,可以了. 总结:开发环境太老了,我的电脑3年前买的 ...
离线安装文件在安装时报错率较高,报错的时候使用在线安装版可以一次性成功,如果机器没网,可以准备好离线文件放在C盘根目录后使用静默安装方式,这个方式不报错。 安装日志在C:\Windows\Logs\ 目录,如果安装报错会在该目录下产生DXError.log,如果没有报错就一个DirectX.log,其结尾有"Installation ended with value 0 ...